
Stay informed in 60 words.

We understand you don’t have time to go through long news articles everyday. So we cut the clutter and deliver them, in 60-word shorts. Short news for the mobile generation.



Your Personal App,
Your Personalised Shorts.

Our AI engine intuitively understands what you like reading, and delivers more of that in a single feed. In your ‘My Feed’, everything you read, is everything you need.

Your Personal App,
Your Personalised Shorts.

Our AI engine intuitively understands what you like reading, and delivers more of that in a single feed. In your ‘My Feed’, everything you read, is everything you need.

Your Personal App,
Your Personalised Shorts.

Our AI engine intuitively understands what you like reading, and delivers more of that in a single feed. In your ‘My Feed’, everything you read, is everything you need.

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